This guide will serve to illustrate how you can change your Microsoft outlook e-mail password. We assume you are using Microsoft outlook 2013 and that your email client has been working before.
Step 1 : Click on “File” menu located at the top left corner of the Microsoft outlook window.
Step2: Select the e-mail account for which you want to change the password. Selections can be made using the highlighted drop-down menu as shown in the picture below.
Step 3: Click on “Account Settings” as shown in the picture below
Step 4: Select the account from the list then click on “Change”.
Step 5: Put your full email address in the username field and your new password in the password field. See picture below. Click “Next” when you are done.
Step 6: Wait for outlook to test your new settings. After all the tests have been completed, Click “Close” then close all other open dialogue boxes. That’s it! Your new password will be in effect.
If you fail to successfully change your password, please contact and give the error message you are getting from the “Test Account Settings” report.